%page Audit Café

What is Audit Café?

The history of the so-called The World Café began in California in 1995, when several people involved in business and science came together to discuss ideas openly. Since 1995, World Café has been used not only in America but also in Europe. The flexible form and the lack of restrictions for holding meetings-conversations prove the effectiveness and its wide application – for research and discussion of various issues, generation of ideas and finding solutions to problems. (www.theworldcafe.com)

Audit Coffee is a discussion organized using the World Café method, an easy-to-use model for creating a network of constructive discussions on issues that are relevant, relevant and exciting to the public. This method can be named in different ways, depending on the goals, but the same principles and format are always used as in the World Café – a global movement to support different conversations. The opportunity for the participants to move to different tables, to meet new people, to contribute with their way of thinking are one of the main characteristics of the Cafe. The final stage of a Cafe is to unite the different processes of the individual conversations in a complete model to be seen by all.

Audit Café 2015

On March 11, 2015. Nearly 70 colleagues from all auditing sectors gathered in the Vivacom Art Hall building to discuss the future of the Profession. The event was organized by the Laboratory for Innovation in Internal Audit (Audit Innovation Lab Bulgaria), with the support of the Institute of Internal Auditors in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Confederation of Innovation.

The motto of the meeting was “To rediscover the Profession by touching the essence”. The meeting was in a dialogue format called World Cafe (Audit Cafe).

The idea of ​​this format is that each participant can identify a topic that is of interest to him and that I want to discuss with the other participants. Each participant can decide which discussion he / she wants to join.

Topics covered at Audit Coffee 2015

  1. “How to make internal audit as useful as possible as a trusted advisor and assurance provider”
  2. “Audit Commitments on Risk Management in Banks in the Context of the New European Regulations”
  3. “Reasons for the failure of the Organization and the responsibility of internal auditors”
  4. “Introduction of specialized software for internal audit”
  5. “Using the Continuous Auditing Method in the Organization”

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)