Business optimization

Бизнес оптимизация

The global crisis caused by the spread of COVID-19 and the state of emergency have made it difficult for many businesses to operate. The introduced measures have created new challenges and opportunities for development.

The effects of the pandemic have forced companies to radically change their way of working, and quickly. The current situation requires adequate and timely solutions to stimulate good development during and after the crisis.

Expertise and field of specialization

The optimization of some of the processes, the review, the restructuring and renegotiation of the relations with contractors and financing institutions, the collection of receivables, will limit the negative consequences of the situation and will support the successful continuation of the activity. The proposed support measures at European and national level, through targeted funding from public funds, will open up new opportunities for some businesses to become even more successful.

After a thorough analysis of your company and its development potential, we offer you developed and effective strategies that meet the structure of your company. According to the specifics of the business, we will assist you in optimizing it and opening new opportunities for its development.

Optimization of business processes in the company – what we offer
We from Brain Storm Consult together with the law firm “Popov, Arnaudov and Partners” pre-examine and identify the individual characteristics and needs of our clients. Our team of experts takes care of management consulting in the field of accounting, auditing and digitalization, and our partner provides business advice and recommendations in the field of law by providing services in the full range of business law and public projects:

  • Commercial Law
  • Tax consultancy
  • Electronic control
  • E-justice
  • Others

High professionalism and rich experience are a guarantee for success and achieving maximum results.

Partnership with Popov, Arnaudov & Partners Law Firm
Our joint work covers two areas:

1. Improve efficiency and reduce costs by:
– Optimization of business structures and processes;
– Optimization of staff and labor costs;
– Financial and tax optimization;
– Negotiation of terms with contractors and financing institutions

2. Providing additional resources by:
– Taking advantage of public support measures;
– Establishment of receivables arising from previous periods through analysis of concluded contracts and their implementation during the last 5 years;
– Extrajudicial and judicial collection of established receivables.

Business optimization-presentation

For more information you can use the form “Make an inquiry” or write to us at or contact us at +359 2 80 99 740.


  • 1729 Sofia 1A “Mladost”, building 505A, entry 2.
  • +359 2 80-99-740

Our services

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)