Legal services

Brain Storm Consult provides legal services and consultations in order to achieve maximum comprehensive service and satisfaction among its clients. It is important for us to be your trusted business partner and to provide you with the professionalism you expect. Among the services you can take advantage of are:

  • Publication of Annual Financial Statements;
  • Registration of companies, sole traders, non – profit legal entities and
    etc., as well as a change in circumstances;
  • Preparation of contracts protecting the rights and interests of our clients:
  • Legal advice and advice in the field of corporate, commercial,
    tax, labor, banking, customs and currency legislation;
  • Defense before a court and arbitration in court cases in connection with commercial and civil transactions;
  • Representation and assistance in privatization deals, concessions procedures, public procurement procedures
  • Consultations on the legal aspects of securities transactions;
  • Real estate transactions for the benefit of foreign nationals and companies;
  • Making contacts with local and central government bodies.

Our company works in cooperation and partnership with proven professionals in various fields of law both nationally and internationally.

For more information you can contact us using the form “Make an inquiry”, or write to us at and, as well as contact us at +359 2 80 99 740.

Our services

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)