Other administrative services

Brain Storm Consult offers a wide range of administrative services, including such as: Preparation of documents for retirement, obtaining the necessary UP.2, UP.3 and documents for work experience, filling out an application and submitting it to the relevant territorial division of the NSSI and others.

We can also assist you with:

  • Representation before the state and / or municipal administration;
  • Submission and receipt of Requests for submission of documents, certificate for presence or absence of tax liabilities;
  • Submission and receipt of a certificate for taxes paid in Bulgaria, certificates for declared data before the bodies of the National Revenue Agency, certificate for official number from the register of the National Revenue Agency for foreign individuals and legal entities;
  • We, as your proxy, can assist you in providing documents and certificates from all institutions in the country;
  • Preparation of payment orders for payments to counterparties;
  • Preparation of other documents, including Documents for applying for a bank loan and presentation to the competent authorities and / or persons. For more information visit https://www.brainstormcredit.bg/.
  • Power supply with the Client’s funds / Cash withdrawal to / from the bank
    Client’s accounts by visiting a bank branch.

Administrative services for individuals and legal entities at the request of the client.

For more information you can contact us using the form “Make an inquiry”, or write to us at office@brainstorm.bg and sales@brainstorm.bg, as well as contact us at +359 2 80 99 740.

Our services

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)