Business consulting
Each company faces strategic, operational, technological and other management tasks. Brain Storm Consult provides the necessary resources and know-how to solve them. In this regard, the services we offer cover the following areas a wide range of areas so that we can be of maximum use to you.
Management consulting
- Preparation of strategies for business development and planning – management development; mergers and acquisitions; organizational design; financial planning and budgeting.
- Risk and financial condition analysis, which includes:
- Cash flow analysis;
- Profit analysis;
- Analysis of the balance structure;
- Analysis of the competitiveness of the company;
- Human resources analysis;
- Preparation of a business plan;
- Consultations on strategic financing, including financial forecasting, modeling and evaluations.
- Optimization of operational activity:
- research and improvement of business processes; operational review and evaluation; cost management.
- Detection of abuses of managers, accountants and materially responsible persons.
Transaction consulting services (due diligence):
- Financial and tax due diligence;
- Vendor due diligence;
- Management assessment in the period before the investment and after the investment;
- Improving performance;
- Due diligence of information technology;
- Final reports.
Legal advice:
Our company carries out its legal activity through partners providing comprehensive legal services to companies and individuals.
Accounting and tax consulting
We offer services for compliance, clarification and application of the national tax
Legislation, including:
- Consultations, preparation and verification of annual tax returns under the Corporate Income Tax Act and the Income Tax Act of individuals;
- Tax returns under the Tax Act value added, the Law on Excise Duties and Tax Warehouses and the Law on local taxes and fees;
- Registration under the VAT Act, under the Personal Data Protection Act, etc;
- Assistance and contacts with the revenue administration and other administrative authorities when it is necessary to submit or submit documents, applications or forms required by law;
- Determining the tax effects and preparing a methodology for working with performing specific commercial transactions;
- Consultations on the practical application of changes in the tax, social security, commercial and labor legislation;
- Consultations and preparation of documents in connection with international taxation
- Corporate tax, Expense taxes, Withholding taxes, Indirect taxes taxes (VAT and excise duties), Personal income tax, Local Taxes and Charges;
- Consultations on the implementation of double tax avoidance agreements taxation;
- Assistance in preparing documents for tax refund at the source;
- Consultations and determination of the most advantageous tax effect in transactions between domestic and foreign counterparties;
- Consultations related to investments in the country and determination of regulatory requirements;
- Consultations and provision of services in the field of social and health;
- Providing Consultations helping to determine the insurance status of the manager staff and staff, and determining the components of remuneration and insurance income;
- Completion and submission of documents and declarations;
- Assistance in issuing certificates for the purposes of insurance;
- Consultations on the tax effects in the transformation of Commercial company through mergers, acquisitions, divisions and spin-offs.
Tax protection
We offer assistance and assistance in the presence of a tax audit or inspection by the bodies of the National Revenue Agency, as well as assistance in the preparation of written explanations, references and other documents.
For more information you can use the form “Make an inquiry” or write to us at, as well as contact us at +359 2 80 99 740.
- 1729 Sofia 1A “Mladost”, building 505A, entry 2.
- +359 2 80-99-740