Demo Software Mirage SQL

Financial Accounting Software Mirage SQL is an integrated system, ensuring overall functioning of the financial accounting activity.

Mirage SQL DEMO contains all functionalities of the software, with the following restrictions:  

Financial Accounting software Mirage SQL Accountancy Module- limitation for input of 250 documents or performance of 120 operations 

Financial Accounting software Mirage SQL – Manpower and Wages module – limitation for data export and document printout 

There is no restriction as to the usage term. 

By using Мirage SQL DEMO you will become familiar with all functions of the software.


Mirage SQL for work with remote server via the Internet – only installs workplace with connection to a remote server. There should be Internet connection with the remote server.

Mirage SQL with full server and workplace installation  – installs SQL SERVER 2008 R2 and all supplementary programmes necessary for work with Mirage SQL.

Download Webinstaller.exe (Please log in as Administrator)

Download Instructions for installation of the free version of Mirage SQL HERE

For login to the free version, after download:

User name: demo

pass: 123

User manual – download from HERE

Instruction for unzipping bases with ready-made charts of accounts – download HERE

Base with ready-made chart of accounts and quotes (archive) – download HERE

Contact us

  • Sofia, 9 Lyuba Velichkova Str., 6th floor,
  • +359 2 80-99-740


Mirage SQL module “Accounting”

+359 2 8099760

Mirage SQL module “Payroll and personnel”

+359 2 8099781


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)