Accounting module

%page Accounting module

ACCOUNTING MODULE of Financial and Accounting Software Mirage SQL is a functionality that allows you to create an individual chart of accounts. For the convenience of the user, the National Chart of Accounts is set in advance, which can serve as a basis for defining the IMS. Multi-company accounting, work with thousands of nomenclatures and 5 levels of analytics.

Briefly MODULE “ACCOUNTING” contains:

  • Accounting operations – reversal, copying, correction, deletion;
  • Tax documents – invoicing and VAT protocols;
  • Quick introduction of purchases and sales;
  • Warehouse documents for purchases and sales and their transformation into tax documents;
  • Bank documents;
  • Cash documents;
  • Inventory – inventory, comparative statement;
  • Production;
  • VAT diaries,
  • Reference – VAT declaration;
  • VIES declaration;
  • Accounting records;
  • Financial and commercial reports;
  • Fixed assets;
  • Accounting depreciation, SAP and DAP;
  • Automatic generation of annual financial statements;
  • Pricing policy;
  • Transfer between warehouses;
  • Data transfer
  • Automatic adjustment for closing accounts – income, expenditure and material;

ACCOUNTING MODULE of Financial and Accounting Software Mirage SQL:

  • possibility to create an individual chart of accounts;
  • automatic accounting – maximum facilitation of the daily work of the accountant through a flexible system of automated accounts. It is enough to define the accounting accounts in advance, as a result of which all routine operations are eliminated – we work only with the name of the accounting account without compiling accounting items. This allows several accounting correspondences to be posted at the same time by pressing one key. The user can define independently an unlimited number of automatic accounts, which can be corrected at a later stage or new ones can be added;
  • optionally, the user can work without pre-defined accounts / by entering the codes of the corresponding accounts /;
  • facilities for searching and filtering data in lists by different attributes / filter in each text field, etc./;
  • fixed assets – tracking the historical price of fixed assets; Inventory book for all YES, by selected accounts or for selected inventory number: purchase price, book value, with additional criteria for the Inventory book – depreciation by months or by years for the entire term of use of the asset, as well as choice up to a certain month and year;
  • filtering of assets by location of YES and by mall; creation of SAP and DAP;
  • depreciation – automatic generation of accounting and tax depreciation plan. Automatic accrual and reversal of depreciation for a given period – by months or for any period greater than one month;
    multi-currency support – work with an unlimited number of foreign currencies, exchange rate of the day – automatic withdrawal from the BNB. Inquiries, opportunities for review and adjustments of exchange rates;
  • automatic revaluation of foreign currency accounts – collectively or by choice of an account with a specific analytical level / for all currencies or a specifically selected type of currency;
  • inventories – three levels of analytical reporting of the Ministry of Health, reporting in value and quantity, the possibility of automated writing;
  • VAT – automated generation of text files for submitting a purchase journal, sales journal and Reference – VAT return.
    The information in the “VAT” module is filled in automatically after each entered document with activity purchase or sale;
  • automated closing of expense accounts;
  • possibility to take reversal operations;
  • rich opportunities for adjustments during and after the introduction of accounting information;
  • permanent possibilities for using auxiliary information in the process of entering and generating reports;
  • the user has information about the current value and quantity balances on the corresponding accounts during input / displayed for convenience on the same input screen /;
  • invoicing – input and correction of already entered invoices, printing of invoices; pre-setting an arbitrary percentage of trade discount or trade mark-up for each transaction; proforma invoice printing;
    contractors: analytics of customers and suppliers and other company contractors on specific invoices; rich search capabilities in the nomenclature of counterparties: filter by name, tax number and bulstat; monitoring of counterparties in BGN and in foreign currency; reports on receivables and liabilities in BGN and in foreign currency – general and specific invoices; additional criteria for the inquiries – by turnover, by elimination of covered receivables / liabilities, etc .;
  • printing of documents – printing of income and expenditure cash orders – BGN and foreign currency;
  • generation of income / expenditure cash orders to an entered document for purchase / sale or independently / regardless of the document / introduction of PKO and RKO in BGN and in currency from the menu “Payments” – Cash documents – automatic numbering, opportunities for review of


  • Sofia, 9 Lyuba Velichkova Str., 6th floor
  • +359 2 80-99-740


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