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Frequently Asked Questions

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In line with the contemporary tendency, a lot of companies outsource as many secondary functions of their businesses which are not directly related to their main activity, generating their income, as possible. In other words, separation of the activities and their outsourcing to external contractors is a long-term cooperation with a service provider, which supports the company development by reducing the expenses for secondary activities.
- If you waste too much time on your accounting documentation, instead of concentrating on your immediate tasks;
- If you have doubts that your record-keeping is not punctual, if it takes you too much time or just if you do not know how the tax and social security system works and what is required from you;
- You need correct and competent accounting services and think that it is expedient to turn to an accounting firm specialized in the field;
- You want to focus entirely on your business, without turning into administrator or record-keeper, and be sure that your records are dealt with in a responsible and professional manner;
- It is difficult for you to keep track of taxes, social security and employment relationships.
- Because in this way they benefit in several aspects: the employees in the company do not have information about the level of remuneration for the different positions and different officials and the accounting and commercial documentation and information remains in the enterprise without access of third parties;
- The accounting firm prepares the payrolls and references, accepts and processes patients’ charts, calculates compensations and social security contributions, prepares and submits the necessary social security forms, prepares employment contracts between the employer and the employees, consults and prognosticates, using its experience and knowledge in the fast-changing environment of the social security and employment regulations.
- The company reduces its expenses and receives invoices for the provided services;
- The accounting firm bears actual liability for any damages caused through its fault.
When a choice has to be made, which is essential for the company’s activity, due diligence is mandatory. Even if there are differences in the understanding of “good accounting services”, the desired result is always bound by quality, correctness, beneficial price, trust. We constantly try to provide to our clients all of the listed and at the same time to upgrade, in order to be of maximum use.
Оur team will assist you in the process of delivery of the documentation from the former accountant. We will make a comprehensive analysis of the information and will check for its completeness and accuracy. The purpose of this is to notify you in case of omissions.
The use of external accounting services is significantly more beneficial, even if it does not look so at first glance. Apart from saving significant expenses, hiring an external accounting firm has a number of benefits – saving time and efforts, flexibility, focus on the main activity, etc.
Brain Storm Consult provides the “Company registration” service, which includes cooperation during all necessary steps – provision of registered address and address for correspondence with NRA; reservation of a company name; payment of the registration fees, etc
We offer independent financial audit of financial statements drawn up in compliance with the National Financial Reporting Standards for Small and Medium Enterprises (NFRSSME) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
The auditing strategy begins with the identification of the existing business risks and analysis of their impact on the management decisions and the financial result of the audited enterprise. An in-depth familiarization with the specifications of the company, including the condition of the supervisory systems, detailed check of significant and risk-bearing areas, analysis of summarized financial information, are key preconditions for a successful audit.

The auditing methodology of Brain Storm Consult is based on prognostication of future events, and not only the assessment of the current results. The annual audit is more than a supervisory procedure or legal requirement. In addition to the auditing procedures related to verification of the company’s financial statements, the audit is directed towards identification and elimination of the problems influencing the preparation of the reports and others, which could have an impact on the company’s activity. This is an opportunity for us to present to you an updated view of your business – an external view which can identify the potential threats or opportunities that could influence your plans. We make a comprehensive analysis, from which we carefully draw up recommendations, enabling you to manage your business in a better way.

A similar approach guarantees the timely finding and resolution of critical issues. The result of our work is summarized and presented in a report including description of the risky areas and the omissions.
FAS Mirage® SQL is offered in a multi-company version, with the option for the client to process several companies.
Generally training is conducted every week but there should be candidates subscribed in advance. The day of the training is Thursday – Accounting module – from 13:00 to 15:00, Manpower and Wages module – from 15:00 to 17:00.

The training is conducted in the office of Brain Storm Consult, with a group of 5 people. The training is free of charge. It shows how the software works, as well as each one of its modules.
FAS MIRAGE® SQL can be operated by persons who are not accountants.
- Accounting module
- Invoicing module
- Manpower and Wages and Personnel module
- Production module
- Import module
Each module contains all necessary functions for the service of the relevant activity.
FAS MIRAGE® SQL allows restriction and adjustment of the users’ rights to certain companies, functionalities, profiles, etc.
FAS MIRAGE® SQL has ready-made templates (forms) of all types of tax and non-tax documents.
FAS MIRAGE® SQL Accounting module has connections with FAS MIRAGE® SQL Manpower and Wages module – automatic reporting of salaries.
FAS MIRAGE® SQL Accountancy module is preset, but there is also an option for additional user settings.
FAS MIRAGE® SQL has six different templates of chart of accounts depending on the company’s activity and registration.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)