%page Share your success with us Sliven

Brain Storm Consult meets business representatives from Sliven and Yambol at the Forum – cocktail “Share your success with us”

The only event of its kind for Sliven and Yambol for this year is coming up, which will meet the representatives of the business from the two regions of effective networking and with a vision for future partnerships. The official organizer of the business forum is the financial and accounting company Brain Storm Consult, which has been among the leading companies in its industry for more than 23 years. On the occasion of the opening of its representative office in the city of Sliven, the company organized for the fifth time in a row “Share your success with us”, aimed at presenting successful practices and working business models.

Guest speaker at the event “SHARE YOUR SUCCESS WITH US” SLIVEN CITY will be Dimitar Karaivanov – a successful entrepreneur, owner of an IT business with international presence and a representative for Bulgaria of the Kanban method for building visual process control systems.

A special invitation is extended to all start-up companies looking for partnerships and realization. The event is expected to become an exceptional opportunity for all participants who want to improve and upgrade their business and develop their network of contacts.

What will be the benefits for you:

  • Presentation of your business to potential partners and clients;
  • Discovering and developing new and useful contacts:
  • Opportunity to learn about news and innovations in your company;
  • Positive image;
  • Effective networking;
  • Opportunity to find your future job;

You can attend the event by presenting your business and presenting your activities to everyone or register only as a participant in the discussion panel of the forum.

Register at www.brainstorm.bg/form

Presenter fee: 75 euros with VAT.

When booking by June 20, 2021 – 25% discount

Participant fee: 5 euros with VAT.

Forum-cocktail “Share your success with us” will be held on June 24, 2021 from 18:00 in Hotel National Palace, Gallery Plus Hall, Sliven.

You will find detailed information about the event on our Facebook page. Pre-registration is required via e-mail: sales@brainstorm.bg or the online registration form: CLICK HERE!

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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